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前陣子在網路購物時看到Metabolic Nutrition, Tri-Pep,支鏈氨基酸,檸檬水,400克的商品,發現品質還不錯,很多口碑文章保舉,但保健品氨基酸支鏈氨基酸(支鏈氨基酸):Metabolic Nutrition, Tri-Pep,支鏈氨基酸,檸檬水,400克哪裡買對照划算呢?Metabolic Nutrition, Tri-Pep,支鏈氨基酸,檸檬水,400克在PTT上面說下面這個網站便宜又快速,所以我都到這個網站購置Metabolic Nutrition, Tri-Pep,支鏈氨基酸,檸檬水,400克了!
Tri-Pep also offers from regular and instantized BCAA's which have a reputation of mixing poorly and bitter-chemical aftertaste. Tri-Pep "peptide-bonded" BCAA exclusive Hydra-Sorb process...mixes easily and provides a great flavor profile when mixed in water or your favorite beverage.
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While BCAA (Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine) are essential...regular free-form BCAA's are missing critical co-factors to make BCAA metabolism effective. Tri-Pep "peptide-bonded" BCAA contains the correct ratio of these critical metabolic co-factors in its unique chemical structure to provide greater absorption & bioavailability...thus, increasing blood plasma amino concentrations, which result in greater muscle BCAA saturation. Once absorbed in the blood-stream, Tri-Pep "peptide-bonded" BCAA elevate muscle glycogen levels and inhibit lactic acid buildup, allowing for significantly greater endurance while preventing lean muscle tissue breakdown. Tri-Pep additionally supports improved protein synthesis, nitric oxide production, growth hormone levels and IGF-1 release...to preserve and enhance lean muscle.
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Tri-Pep is ideal for all individuals who are looking to increase physical activity and improve exercise performance, while reducing fatigue, accelerating recovery and preserving lean muscle.
- Designer Tripeptide BCAA
- Physician Formulated
- First Peptide-Bonded BCAA
- Superior to Free Form BCAA's
- Improves Exercise Performance
- Accelerates Intra & Post Workout Recovery
- Preserves "Lean" Muscle Mass
- Mixes Instantly & Tastes Great
- Dietary Supplement
- Gluten Free
- Be The Best
每筆預借現金手續費:新臺幣100元+預借現金金額 X 3.5%及其他費用查詢請洽滙豐銀行網站/環利率基準日為104年9月1日
若您第一次采辦Metabolic Nutrition, Tri-Pep,支鏈氨基酸,檸檬水,400克,建議可先旁觀以下購物教授教養,即可領會購物體例,別的保舉利用匯豐信譽卡刷卡付款,享有2.22%購物回饋,同等享有市價3折優惠外再打98折以上優惠,當即申辦享有優惠! © 2016 Metabolic Nutrition, Tri-Pep,支鏈氨基酸,檸檬水,400克. All Rights Reserved.
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Metabolic Nutrition, Tri-Pep,支鏈氨基酸,檸檬水,400克
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Tri-Pep "peptide-bonded" BCAA provides superior physical stamina, endurance, and muscle recovery...all in easy mixing & great tasting BCAA, that make it a critical supplement in any athlete's workout.
Dedicated to manufacturing physician formulated nutritional supplements, backed by scientific research and formulated by a medical doctor. Metabolic Nutrition is the first to develop and introduce Tri-Pep...the only designer "peptide-bonded" BCAA in the marketplace.